
Listen to residents of Central Brooklyn discuss clinic closures in their neighborhood.

Watch (and share) a short video documenting barriers to health care in Central Brooklyn.

Double-click the video to view a larger version.

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Dr. Brian Smedley of the Opportunity Agenda and Rinku Sen of Colorlines Magazine discuss the roles of race and class in attaining access to quality health care.

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Health Care That Works

Write to Your Representative

Fact Sheets and Manuals

Commission on the Public's Health System

Medical Assistance Manual: Health and Hospital Corporation Options (pdf)

New York Immigration Coalition

Immigrant Health Guide (pdf)
Your Rights Under New York State's Language Assistance Law
Access to Health Care for Uninsured Immigrants
Affordable Health Care Options for the Uninsured at HHC

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

The Berger Commission (pdf)
Health Care in Central Brooklyn (pdf)

The Opportunity Agenda

Hospital Based Health Care in NYC and Geographic Barriers
Geographic Disparities in Primary Care Services
Geographic Barriers to Good Health for Women and Children
Why Hospitals Matter

Save Our Safety Net Campaign

FSHRP: Summary and Implications (pdf)


New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

A White Paper on the Impact of Hospital Closures in Central Brooklyn (pdf)
Open Letter to Governor Pataki and Elliot Spitzer Regarding the Berger (pdf)
The Right to Emergency Medical Services (pdf)
Rights of the Uninsured (pdf)


The Opportunity Agenda and the Harvard School of Public Health

New Yorkers Support a More Equitable Health Care System


Bronx Health REACH

Separate and Unequal: Medical Apartheid in New York City (pdf)

The Committee of Interns and Residents

Sager and Socolar Report: Closing Hospitals Does Not Solve Problems Historically (pdf)

The Opportunity Agenda

Dangerous and Unlawful: Why Our Health Care System is Failing New York Communities and How to Fix It

Primary Care Development Corporation and Health and Hospital Corporation

A Primary Care Capacity Shortage in New York City & The Potential Impact of Hospital Closures (pdf)

Community Health Care Association of New York State and the Primary Care Development Corporation

Laying the Foundation: Health Care Reform in New York State and the Primary Care Imperative (pdf)

New York City Council Hospital Closing Task Force

A Prescription for New York City Health Care (pdf)